You know what?  There is definitely something cool to be said for traveling with your parents or parents-in-law, especially if you have kids. 

You can save a lot of money by staying together.  You can probably find a two or three bedroom place to rent by the week for less than it would cost each of you to stay separately in hotels.  And chances are you’ll actually have a lot more space for visiting and relaxing.  Plus, with a kitchen you can save money on meals too.  Who knows, maybe your mother-in-law cooks amazing chicken and dumplings or your father is an expert with the barbeque!  These more functional accommodations (as opposed to cramped motel rooms) will improve the quality of your vacation. 

If it’s possible to all travel in the same vehicle, then you’ll not only have more time to visit during the trip, but spend half as much on gas too.  Let one person drive so everyone else can relax without the hassle.  There’s another benefit of driving all together if you have kids.

We recently went on a road trip with my wife’s parents and took their minivan.  We sat in the front seats, her parents in the middle seats, and our four year old in the back seat.  Guess who buffered all the “are we there yet” questions and questions - not us!  It was a nice break for a change.  And here’s a side perk.  If an elderly parent is handicapped, you have all the best parking spots everywhere you go! 

Once you’re at your favorite spot (ours is the coast), you have plenty of grandparent and grandchild bonding time.  So there's more couple time with your spouse and that is always good.  And of course, it's just plain fun to spend time together with your parents and make memories. 

Oregon coast, can’t wait to see you again!

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